Associated services
- Onshore geophysics
- Drilling
- Offshore geological survey
Service provided by
- Moscow, Kaloshin pereulok, 10/1
- Learn more
- JSC DalmorneftegeofizikaJSC Dalmorneftegeofizika╳RegionFar Eastern federal districtContacts
- 693004, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, pr. Mira, 426
+ 7 (4242) 72-68-32
- JSC YUZHMORGEOLOGIYAJSC YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA╳RegionSouthern federal districtContacts
- 353461, Gelendzhik, Krymskaya st., 20
Associated services include
This type of services allows to resolve the issues in the field of chemical and analytical monitoring of environmental bodies and geological exploration activities, in particular, in the purposes of the oil and gas exploration and survey in water areas by application of geochemical methods to studies of bottom sediments, and by means of continuous hydrocarbon profiling along the water column.
Services rendered
- Chemical analysis;
- Environmental monitoring and environmental certification;
- Optical-mineralogical studies of bottom sediments;
- Determination of the granulometric and aggregate composition of ocean and sea bottom sediments by eans of pipetting method.

The studies are carried out with application of television-controlled submersibles of our own development - RTM500, RT1000, RT6000, as well as towed television system "Neptune".
Services rendered
- Inspection of underwater hydraulic structures, pipelines and cables;
- Support to divers’ operations;
- Support to drilling (monitoring);
- Measurement of geophysical parameters in water environment;
- Measurement of pipeline cathodic protection potential
- Acquisition of detailed images of the seafloor areas;
- Search for items on the seafloor.

The Holding possesses all necessary modern equipment and instrumentation for determining the physical, aqueous and mechanical properties of soils, as well as for identification of chemical composition of water and water extractions from soils.
This objective is archived thanks to application of state-of-art equipment produced by Wykeham Farrance International and VJ Technology, and national companies. The high competence of specialists and equipment capabilities allow to perform the tests in accordance with international standards: BS (UK) and ASTM (USA), as well as Russian GOST.
Main types of laboratory soil tests
- Physical properties:
- Humidity, including yield and rolling limits;
- Density, including the density of the soil and sand particles;
- Granulometric composition;
- Sand filtration coefficient;
- Mechanical properties:
- Strength characteristics by means of in-plane shear (NN, KD);
- Strength characteristics by means of triaxial compression (NN, KN, KD);
- Compressibility characteristics by means compression tests and triaxial compression;
- Chemical properties:
- Relative content of organic substances;
- Corrosive activity;
- Content and composition of water-soluble salts;
- Standard chemical analysis of the water.
Performance of 2D and 3D CDPM field seismic operations
Performance of 2D and 3D CDPM field seismic operations, swathe acquisition geometry. 3D bin size 25 m x 6.25 m, flip-flop acquisition.
- RegionWest Indian shelf
- TypeOffshore seismic 2D and 3D CDPM operations
- Year2020

3D seismic survey on the shelf of Morocco
3D acquisition: swathe acquisition geometry, flip-flop acquisition Bean size: 25 m x 6.25 m
- RegionShelf of Morocco
- TypeOffshore seismic 3D CDPM operations
- Year2018

Performance of offshore, transit and terrestrial seismic operations, including gravity and magnetic, seismic acoustic and geochemical surveys.
- RegionWaters of the Kingdom of Bahrain
- TypeForeign contract
- Year2019
- ContractorKaliningradgeophysika, Yuzhmorgeologiya
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