Offshore engineering surveys
- Onshore geophysics
- Drilling
- Offshore geological survey
The subsidiaries of RosGeo ensure the performance of a complete range of the engineering surveys on the basis of in-house fleet of state-of-art equipment and high competences of the Holding experts.
The engineering surveys performed include:
- Engineering geotechnical surveys;
- Engineering geological surveys;
- Engineering hydrometeorological surveys;
- Engineering environmental surveys.
- Moscow, Kaloshin pereulok, 10/1
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- JSC Arctic Marine Engineering Geological ExpeditionsJSC Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions╳RegionNorthwestern federal districtContacts
- 183025, Murmansk, Karl Marx st., 19
8 (8152) 45-03-16
- JSC SevmorneftegeofizikaJSC Sevmorneftegeofizika╳RegionNorthwestern federal districtContacts
- 183025, Murmansk, Karl Marx st., 17
+7 8152 456 049
- JSC DalmorneftegeofizikaJSC Dalmorneftegeofizika╳RegionFar Eastern federal districtContacts
- 693004, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, pr. Mira, 426
+ 7 (4242) 72-68-32
- JSC YUZHMORGEOLOGIYAJSC YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA╳RegionSouthern federal districtContacts
- 353461, Gelendzhik, Krymskaya st., 20
The performance of engineering survey is necessary at all stages of exploration and development of oil and gas resources in offshore areas. The implementation of the engineering surveys ensures the safe operation of self-elevating drilling rigs used in drilling of the wildcat wells at the exploration stage. The support to design development and construction of the operating structures and underwater pipelines is provided during development of the deposit fields. The monitoring of the state of hydraulic structures and pipelines is performed in the course of the operation.
Competitive advantages:
- Over 40 years of experience in the Russian Federation;
- Over 20 years of international experience;
- Well-aligned team of professionals;
- In-house fleet of drilling vessels;
- In-house soil laboratory that performs the studies of physical-mechanical and chemical properties of the soils in accordance with both Russian and foreign standards.
- In-house chemical and analytical laboratory for studies of the samples within the framework of environmental surveys.
more details on types of activities
RosGeo performs all types engineering geotechnical surveys including the acquisition of the seafloor topography with application of the single and multiple-beam echo sounders, navigational and hydrographic support to all kinds of engineering surveys at any point of the World Ocean and coastal areas, data processing, as well as surveying operations in the adjacent land areas.

- Performance of survey operations for production and construction of offshore drilling platforms of various types;
- Performance of engineering geological acquisition in oil and gas promising areas;
- Design development and construction of underwater pipelines, sea terminals, ports and other hydraulic structures.
The reliable data on peculiarities of seabed terrain, seafloor geology, bottom obstacles and soils significantly reduce all subsequent risks in construction of offshore terminals, installation of pipelines and drilling platforms.
Yuzhmorgeologiya offers a unique technology of surveys for construction and development of coastal and marine lines, as well as for production and drilling of deep oil and gas exploration wells.
The key distinguishing feature of the technology is the strategy for individual integration of high-efficiency exploration methods to the particular conditions of a specific project. The strategy is implemented on the basis of application of specialized ship-based systems that provide the optimal composition of the equipment and instrumentation to be used.
The modular structure of the systems allows, using different types of vessels, to adapt easily to the individual needs of the customers, to real conditions in the areas to be surveyed, and to carry out the operations in any area, minimizing the mobilization durability.
The synergistic effect of the technology is achieved by combining a complete set of exploration techniques (geophysics, acoustics, video-inspection, drilling) and a wide range of operation depths.
The processing of field hydrographic and geodetic materials, elaboration of the reporting maps are carried out using the advanced computerized tools and special software. If necessary, our specialists conduct the topogeodetic surveys on the adjacent land during the performance of the engineering geotechnical surveys.

- Detailed acquisition of the seafloor topography, including identification of local objects of natural and artificial origin on the seafloor;
- Studying the activity of lithodynamic processes in the subsurface shallow water section of the geological profile;
- Assessment of environmental situation and study of the consequences of human activities on the seafloor;
- Examination of the state of underwater structures, monitoring of its stability over time;
- Planning of dredging works, monitoring of its performance and assessment of the relocated material volumes;
- Inspection of fairways, assurance of navigation safety, etc.
RosGeo operates several multi-functional vessels (research vessels “Kern”, “Iskatel-4”, “Aquamarine”, etc.) for performance of the engineering geological surveys (geophysical operations and sampling with light instrumentation), along with two specialized vessel for geotechnical surveys (engineering-geological drilling and testing of soils): research vessels “Bavenit” and “Kimberlite”. These vessels have drilled on the shelf of the Russian Arctic over 1270 engineering-geological and static sounding wells of a total depth exceeding 42490 m.
- Study of the geological structure in the upper section of the geological profile;
- Identification of local objects of natural and artificial origin on the seafloor and in the bottom section of the geological profile that complicate the engineering process;
- Determination of physical-mechanical properties of soils and their spatial variability;
- Study of subaqual cryolitic zone, detection and spacial delineation of zones with propagation of gas-containing soils in subaqual cryolitic zone (during the operations on the Arctic shelf).

- High-resolution, ultra-high-resolution and super-high-resolution seismic surveys;
- Continuous seismic profiling;
- Side-scan sonar;
- Magnetometric acquisition;
- Sampling with application of light instrumentation;
- In-situ soil testing using static soil sensing (both those of downhole and bottom types);
- Engineering and geological drilling of wells; laboratory studies of soils.
The key objective of this type of surveys is to determine the hydrometeorological regime characteristics and, if necessary, ice regime and lithodynamic processes, which is a mandatory legal requirement in design development, construction and operation of the facilities.
- Integrated hydrometeorological studies (measurements of water dynamics - velocity and direction of currents, sea level fluctuations, wave altitudes and periods);
- Lytodynamic studies;
- Ice studies.
Our specialists have installed over 550 oceanographic moorings for the entire period of the observations in the Barents and Kara seas.
The total durability of the observations over the sea level fluctuations attains 220 months.
The duration of instrumental waving monitoring is about 50 months.
The persistence of observations over the meteorological parameters at all stations makes in total approximately 460 months.
The ice studies have been performed at more than 100 ice drifting stations in the Barents, Pechora, Kara Seas, Ob and Taz bays.
RosGeo experts perform the engineering environmental surveys on the continental shelf, including oceanography, hydro-chemical, hydro-biological and ichthyological studiers and studies of the pollution in the air, water, bottom sediments, conducting of production environmental monitoring and supervision.
- Studies of hazardous exogenous geological processes and hydrological phenomena;
- Studies of the physical and chemical properties of natural waters and bottom sediments;
- Studies of pollution of natural and waste water, air, soils, bottom sediments and biota;
- Studies of radiation and physical impact factors;
- Hydro-biological studies (including zooplankton, phytoplankton, macrophytes and phytobenthos, zoobenthos, microbiological studies);
- Ichthyological and ichthyoplankton studies;
- Theriological and ornithological studies.
The experts of the Holding posses a great experience in development of materials and obtaining the permits from Rosprirodnadzor, as well as positive findings of the State Environmental Expert Examination for execution of engineering surveys (as well as seismic operations) on the shelf, including development of sections in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Ministry of Environment Protection (MEP) documents, loss calculation, arrangement and conduct of public hearings in various regions of the Russian Federation.
Performance of 2D and 3D CDPM field seismic operations
Performance of 2D and 3D CDPM field seismic operations, swathe acquisition geometry. 3D bin size 25 m x 6.25 m, flip-flop acquisition.
- RegionWest Indian shelf
- TypeOffshore seismic 2D and 3D CDPM operations
- Year2020

3D seismic survey on the shelf of Morocco
3D acquisition: swathe acquisition geometry, flip-flop acquisition Bean size: 25 m x 6.25 m
- RegionShelf of Morocco
- TypeOffshore seismic 3D CDPM operations
- Year2018

Performance of offshore, transit and terrestrial seismic operations, including gravity and magnetic, seismic acoustic and geochemical surveys.
- RegionWaters of the Kingdom of Bahrain
- TypeForeign contract
- Year2019
- ContractorKaliningradgeophysika, Yuzhmorgeologiya