Corporate Governance
Joint Stock Company Rosgeologiya (hereinafter - RosGeo) develops and improves the system of corporate governance striving to meet the highest international standards.
The supreme governing body of RosGeo is the General meeting of shareholders that makes the decisions with respect to all key issues of the activities.
The overall management of RosGeo activities is performed by the Board of directors, which powers and responsibilities comprise the assurance of the company sustainable development, elaboration of the Company strategy, as well as supervision over compliance with the corporate governance principles, including the protection of interests of the shareholder, employees of the company and its partners, timeliness and completeness of the information disclosure, and business transparency.The Governing body enables the efficient Holding performance, implementation of the declared strategy addressing the most important challenges in improvement of RosGeo production processes and financial and economic activities.
There are three committees under the Board of directors of RosGeo: audit, staffing and remuneration, and strategy committees. The responsibilities of the committees include the preliminary review of the issues regarded to the competence of the Board of directors and submission of the appropriate recommendations.
Corporate governance structure

The governance bodies of RosGeo are as follows: Board of directors, Governing body and Director General.
The governance of Joint Stock Company Rosgeologiya is executed in accordance with the best corporate standards.
АTo perform the mandatory audit by the results of 2019 there was selected a limited liability company FinExpertiza, OGRN 1027739127734, 125167, Moscow, Leningradskiy Prospekt, 47, bld. 3, room X, 3-rd floor, room 1, a member of the self-regulatory organization of auditors Russian Union of Auditors (Association), ORNZ 11603076287
The Revision teamof RosGeo is the body for oversight of the company financial and economic activities.
The objectives of the Revision team are as follows:
- Supervision of RosGeo financial and business activities;
- Supervision over compliance of RosGeo financial and business operations with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation and RosGeo Articles of associations;
- Independent assessment of information on financial situation of RosGeo.
The registrar address: 107076, Moscow, Ul. Stromynka, 18, build. 5B, room IX