Prospecting and exploration
- Site engineering and preparation
- Prospecting and exploration
- Laboratory studies
- Development of reports
- Exploration of SCM in the World Ocean
The methods applicable in exploration and prospecting of solid commercial minerals include:
- Geological traverses, sampling of natural outcrops and near-surface layers
- Geochemical surveys
- Geophysical surveys
- Mining operations
- Borehole drilling
- Hydrogeological operations
- Geo-environmental surveys
- Geological engineering surveys
- JSC North-West PGDJSC North-West PGD╳RegionNorthwestern federal districtContacts
- 199155, Saint-Petersburg, Odoevskogo st., 24, bld. 1, p/b 84
+7 (812) 350-54-64
- JSC ChelyabinskgeolsyomkaJSC Chelyabinskgeolsyomka╳RegionUral federal districtContacts
- 454048, Chelyabinsk, Omskaya st., 89
+7 (351) 232-86-94
- Chitageologorazvedka,
branch of Siberian PGDChitageologorazvedka,
branch of Siberian PGD╳RegionSiberian federal districtContacts- Chita
Array ( [ID] => 1162 [~ID] => 1162 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 05/03/2021 01:50:48 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 05/03/2021 01:50:48 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 15 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 15 [DATE_CREATE] => 09/03/2020 02:27:08 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 09/03/2020 02:27:08 pm [CREATED_BY] => 6 [~CREATED_BY] => 6 [IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 581 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 581 [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 200 [~SORT] => 200 [NAME] => Prospecting and exploration [~NAME] => Prospecting and exploration [PICTURE] => 7001 [~PICTURE] => 7001 [LEFT_MARGIN] => 12 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 12 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 13 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 13 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 2 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 2 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION [CODE] => poisk-i-razvedka [~CODE] => poisk-i-razvedka [XML_ID] => [~XML_ID] => [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => 7002 [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => 7002 [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/geologorazvedka-tpi/poisk-i-razvedka/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/geologorazvedka-tpi/poisk-i-razvedka/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [IBLOCK_CODE] => services [~IBLOCK_CODE] => services [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [EXTERNAL_ID] => [~EXTERNAL_ID] => [UF_GEO] => 0 [~UF_GEO] => 0 [UF_TYPE] => 659 [~UF_TYPE] => 659 [UF_ICO] => 7003 [~UF_ICO] => 7003 [UF_KEYS] => 1163 [~UF_KEYS] => 1163 [UF_KEY_TEXT] => <h3 class="h3" align="center">SCOPES OF PRICIPAL GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS IN 2014-2019</h3> [~UF_KEY_TEXT] => <h3 class="h3" align="center">SCOPES OF PRICIPAL GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS IN 2014-2019</h3> [UF_TEXT_1] => [~UF_TEXT_1] => [UF_TEXT_2] => [~UF_TEXT_2] => [UF_ANONS] => [~UF_ANONS] => [UF_MAIN_1] => [~UF_MAIN_1] => [UF_MAIN_2] => [~UF_MAIN_2] => [UF_MAIN_BG] => [~UF_MAIN_BG] => [UF_POPUP_LOGO] => [~UF_POPUP_LOGO] => [UF_POPUP_GR] => [~UF_POPUP_GR] => [UF_VIDEO] => [~UF_VIDEO] => [UF_TABS] => 1141 [~UF_TABS] => 1141 [UF_DOP_TITLE] => MORE DETAILS ON TYPES OF ACTIVITIES [~UF_DOP_TITLE] => MORE DETAILS ON TYPES OF ACTIVITIES [UF_TEXT_ENTERPRISES] => RosGeo carries out all field operations enabling to identify the mineralization points, mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical anomalies, to explore the ore occurrences, assess and survey the field of solid commercial minerals.<br> <br> The methods applicable in exploration and prospecting of solid commercial minerals include:<br> <ul> <li>Geological traverses, sampling of natural outcrops and near-surface layers</li> <li> Geochemical surveys</li> <li> Geophysical surveys</li> <li> Mining operations</li> <li> Borehole drilling</li> <li> Hydrogeological operations</li> <li> Geo-environmental surveys</li> <li> Geological engineering surveys</li> </ul> [~UF_TEXT_ENTERPRISES] => RosGeo carries out all field operations enabling to identify the mineralization points, mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical anomalies, to explore the ore occurrences, assess and survey the field of solid commercial minerals.<br> <br> The methods applicable in exploration and prospecting of solid commercial minerals include:<br> <ul> <li>Geological traverses, sampling of natural outcrops and near-surface layers</li> <li> Geochemical surveys</li> <li> Geophysical surveys</li> <li> Mining operations</li> <li> Borehole drilling</li> <li> Hydrogeological operations</li> <li> Geo-environmental surveys</li> <li> Geological engineering surveys</li> </ul> [UF_SERVICE_OTHER] => Array ( ) [~UF_SERVICE_OTHER] => Array ( ) [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [SECTION_META_TITLE] => Search and exploration of solid minerals (TPI), cost | Rosgeo [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => We are professionals in the search for solid minerals! High-level TPI exploration. Need TPI intelligence? Call us! ) [KEYS] => Array ( ) [LINKS] => Array ( ) [ENTERPRISES] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ID] => 9791 [~ID] => 9791 [NAME] => JSC North-West PGD [~NAME] => JSC North-West PGD [CODE] => szpgo [~CODE] => szpgo [PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE] => 199155, Saint-Petersburg, Odoevskogo st., 24, bld. 1, p/b 84 [~PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE] => 199155, Saint-Petersburg, Odoevskogo st., 24, bld. 1, p/b 84 [PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE_ID] => 9791:445 [~PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE_ID] => 9791:445 [PROPERTY_PHONE_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (812) 352-30-06 ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (812) 352-30-06 ) [PROPERTY_FAX_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (812) 350-54-64 ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (812) 350-54-64 ) [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1116 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1116 [PROPERTY_EMAIL_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_URL_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_URL_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_URL_VALUE_ID] => 9791:450 [~PROPERTY_URL_VALUE_ID] => 9791:450 [PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE] => JSC North-West PGD [~PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE] => JSC North-West PGD [PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE_ID] => 9791:466 [~PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE_ID] => 9791:466 [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE] => Скрыта [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE] => Скрыта [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_ENUM_ID] => 46 [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_ENUM_ID] => 46 [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE_ID] => 9791:467 [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE_ID] => 9791:467 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [PROPERTY_PHONE_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_PHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2382 ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2382 ) [PROPERTY_FAX_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_FAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2383 ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2383 ) [PROPERTY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_EMAIL_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2384 ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2384 ) [SECTION] => Northwestern federal district ) [1] => Array ( [ID] => 9852 [~ID] => 9852 [NAME] => JSC Chelyabinskgeolsyomka [~NAME] => JSC Chelyabinskgeolsyomka [CODE] => chelyabgeo [~CODE] => chelyabgeo [PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE] => 454048, Chelyabinsk, Omskaya st., 89 [~PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE] => 454048, Chelyabinsk, Omskaya st., 89 [PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE_ID] => 9852:445 [~PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE_ID] => 9852:445 [PROPERTY_PHONE_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (351) 232-86-94 ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (351) 232-86-94 ) [PROPERTY_FAX_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (351) 232-86-94 ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => +7 (351) 232-86-94 ) [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1122 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1122 [PROPERTY_EMAIL_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_URL_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_URL_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_URL_VALUE_ID] => 9852:450 [~PROPERTY_URL_VALUE_ID] => 9852:450 [PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE] => JSC Chelyabinskgeolsyomka [~PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE] => JSC Chelyabinskgeolsyomka [PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE_ID] => 9852:466 [~PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE_ID] => 9852:466 [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE] => Скрыта [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE] => Скрыта [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_ENUM_ID] => 46 [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_ENUM_ID] => 46 [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE_ID] => 9852:467 [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE_ID] => 9852:467 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [PROPERTY_PHONE_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_PHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2790 ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2790 ) [PROPERTY_FAX_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_FAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2791 ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2791 ) [PROPERTY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_EMAIL_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2792 ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2792 ) [SECTION] => Ural federal district ) [2] => Array ( [ID] => 9864 [~ID] => 9864 [NAME] => Chitageologorazvedka, branch of Siberian PGD [~NAME] => Chitageologorazvedka, branch of Siberian PGD [CODE] => сhitageo [~CODE] => сhitageo [PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE] => Chita [~PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE] => Chita [PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE_ID] => 9864:445 [~PROPERTY_ADDRESS_VALUE_ID] => 9864:445 [PROPERTY_PHONE_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => (391) 201-87-23 ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => (391) 201-87-23 ) [PROPERTY_FAX_VALUE] => Array ( ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_VALUE] => Array ( ) [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1123 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1123 [PROPERTY_EMAIL_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_VALUE] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_URL_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_URL_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_URL_VALUE_ID] => 9864:450 [~PROPERTY_URL_VALUE_ID] => 9864:450 [PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE] => Chitageologorazvedka, <br />branch of Siberian PGD [~PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE] => Chitageologorazvedka,
branch of Siberian PGD [PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE_ID] => 9864:466 [~PROPERTY_TITLE_VALUE_ID] => 9864:466 [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE] => Скрыта [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE] => Скрыта [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_ENUM_ID] => 46 [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_ENUM_ID] => 46 [PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE_ID] => 9864:467 [~PROPERTY_TYPE_LINK_VALUE_ID] => 9864:467 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [PROPERTY_PHONE_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_PHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2838 ) [~PROPERTY_PHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2838 ) [PROPERTY_FAX_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( ) [PROPERTY_FAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( ) [~PROPERTY_FAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( ) [PROPERTY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [PROPERTY_EMAIL_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2839 ) [~PROPERTY_EMAIL_PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 2839 ) [SECTION] => Siberian federal district ) ) [BG] => /upload/images/bg.jpg [FORM_QUESTIONS] => Array ( ) [FORM_SERVICES] => Array ( ) [VIDEO] => B82_Y6AaWeg [VIDEO_IMG] => // [DOP] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ID] => 11188 [~ID] => 11188 [NAME] => GEOLOGICAL PROSPECTING TRAVERSES [~NAME] => GEOLOGICAL PROSPECTING TRAVERSES [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11188:442 [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11188:442 [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> The geological prospecting traverses envisage the performance of continuous geological and geomorphological observations to monitor in the field and record in topographic maps or airborne photographs of geological boundaries and other specific features of the geological structure of the surveyed area. The aerial acquisitions conducted during the traverses reveal the mineralization points, mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical anomalies, ore occurrences. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>The geological prospecting traverses envisage the performance of continuous geological and geomorphological observations to monitor in the field and record in topographic maps or airborne photographs of geological boundaries and other specific features of the geological structure of the surveyed area. The aerial acquisitions conducted during the traverses reveal the mineralization points, mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical anomalies, ore occurrences.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11188:443 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11188:443 [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> Sampling is an essential components of the prospecting traverse. All differences of hydrothermal and metasomatic rocks along with the weathering and oxidation products are to be subjected to sampling. The key sampling technique during the traverse is a pit sampling. The core outcrops of ore (and potentially ore) bodies are tested by trench and panel sampling. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>Sampling is an essential components of the prospecting traverse. All differences of hydrothermal and metasomatic rocks along with the weathering and oxidation products are to be subjected to sampling. The key sampling technique during the traverse is a pit sampling. The core outcrops of ore (and potentially ore) bodies are tested by trench and panel sampling.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11188:444 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11188:444 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [KEYS] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [ID] => 11189 [~ID] => 11189 [NAME] => GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS [~NAME] => GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11189:442 [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11189:442 [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> The geophysical methods applicable in prospecting and exploration of solid commercial minerals include magnetic, gravimetric, electroprospecting, seismic, geophysical, well-logging surveys and a number of other types of operations. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Professional application of these methods provide the geologists with additional information that allows to get a better understanding of structure and composition of the ore body. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> The most inexpensive geophysical methods in terms performance are gravimetric and magnetic surveys. They are used in the early stages of greenfield exploration to obtain the information on structural and tectonic structure of the territory and its characteristics to identify the most promising fragments of the surveyed area for production of heavier and more expensive terrestrial surveys. During prospecting and exploration of solid commercial minerals the gravimetric and magnetic surveys are performed in both aerial and terrestrial options. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>The geophysical methods applicable in prospecting and exploration of solid commercial minerals include magnetic, gravimetric, electroprospecting, seismic, geophysical, well-logging surveys and a number of other types of operations.
Professional application of these methods provide the geologists with additional information that allows to get a better understanding of structure and composition of the ore body.
The most inexpensive geophysical methods in terms performance are gravimetric and magnetic surveys. They are used in the early stages of greenfield exploration to obtain the information on structural and tectonic structure of the territory and its characteristics to identify the most promising fragments of the surveyed area for production of heavier and more expensive terrestrial surveys. During prospecting and exploration of solid commercial minerals the gravimetric and magnetic surveys are performed in both aerial and terrestrial options.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11189:443 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11189:443 [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> RosGeo subsidiaries possess the state-of-art equipment of national and foreign production for production of all demanded types of geophysical surveys: magnetometers, gravimeters, electroprospecting and seismic meters, generators, logging station and downhole tools, etc. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Over the last 5 years there have been successfully completed the geophysical surveys by more than 60 pubic contracts for prospecting of solid commercial minerals at the sites located in all federal districts of the Russian Federation, in different landscape and climatic conditions, including those in conditions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>RosGeo subsidiaries possess the state-of-art equipment of national and foreign production for production of all demanded types of geophysical surveys: magnetometers, gravimeters, electroprospecting and seismic meters, generators, logging station and downhole tools, etc.
Over the last 5 years there have been successfully completed the geophysical surveys by more than 60 pubic contracts for prospecting of solid commercial minerals at the sites located in all federal districts of the Russian Federation, in different landscape and climatic conditions, including those in conditions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11189:444 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11189:444 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [KEYS] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [ID] => 11190 [~ID] => 11190 [NAME] => GEOCHEMICAL SURVEYS [~NAME] => GEOCHEMICAL SURVEYS [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11190:442 [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11190:442 [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> Geochemical surveys are carried out by systematic sampling following the regular system of profiles or individual geological traverses with continuous or spot sampling accompanied by laboratory analysis of the chemical composition. The exploration interest represent the geochemical halos with abnormal concentrations of chemical elements. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>Geochemical surveys are carried out by systematic sampling following the regular system of profiles or individual geological traverses with continuous or spot sampling accompanied by laboratory analysis of the chemical composition. The exploration interest represent the geochemical halos with abnormal concentrations of chemical elements.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11190:443 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11190:443 [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> The surveys are performed with application of lithogeochemical, placer, biogeochemical, hydrogeochemical methods of prospecting. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>The surveys are performed with application of lithogeochemical, placer, biogeochemical, hydrogeochemical methods of prospecting.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11190:444 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11190:444 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [KEYS] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [ID] => 11191 [~ID] => 11191 [NAME] => MINING OPERATIONS [~NAME] => MINING OPERATIONS [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11191:442 [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11191:442 [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> Mining operations are widely applied by all companies of the Holding in prospecting and exploration of all types of solid commercial minerals. Currently, the open pit mining are used at all stages of the operations in prospecting and exploration of the minerals. These works are performed both manually and mechanically. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>Mining operations are widely applied by all companies of the Holding in prospecting and exploration of all types of solid commercial minerals. Currently, the open pit mining are used at all stages of the operations in prospecting and exploration of the minerals. These works are performed both manually and mechanically.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11191:443 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11191:443 [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11191:444 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE_ID] => 11191:444 [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [KEYS] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [ID] => 11192 [~ID] => 11192 [NAME] => DRILLING OPERATIONS [~NAME] => DRILLING OPERATIONS [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11192:442 [~PROPERTY_KEYS_VALUE_ID] => 11192:442 [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> Drilling is a main method in exploration of ore bodies. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> The most common type of exploration drilling for solid commercial minerals is the core drilling. It performed round the year and any climatic and landscape conditions with are unable to affect its quality. </p> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>Drilling is a main method in exploration of ore bodies.
The most common type of exploration drilling for solid commercial minerals is the core drilling. It performed round the year and any climatic and landscape conditions with are unable to affect its quality.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11192:443 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11192:443 [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <p style="text-align: justify;"> Usually, the drilling operations for solid commercial minerals include the geophysical well logging applicable for survey of the rocks in the near wellbore and inter-well spaces, as well as in monitoring of the wells physical conditions. </p><br> <h5>APPLICABLE EQUIPMENT:</h5> <ul> <li> Drilling rig Boart Longyear LF-90 </li> <li> Set of drilling tools provided with changeable core receivers CCK-96 (dimension-type HQ), KSSK-76 (dimension-type NQ) </li> <li> Logging station KAT-151 </li> </ul> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>Usually, the drilling operations for solid commercial minerals include the geophysical well logging applicable for survey of the rocks in the near wellbore and inter-well spaces, as well as in monitoring of the wells physical conditions.
- Drilling rig Boart Longyear LF-90
- Set of drilling tools provided with changeable core receivers CCK-96 (dimension-type HQ), KSSK-76 (dimension-type NQ)
- Logging station KAT-151
RosGeo and its subsidiaries carry out a full cycle of hydrogeological geotechnical and geo-environmental operation, including the research and methodological support.
The Holding subsidiaries possess all necessary permits and licenses. The laboratories of the companies have been accredited in the area of research studies of the natural underground and surface water, including those to be bottled, waste water, soils.
[TYPE] => HTML ) [PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11193:443 [~PROPERTY_TEXT_1_VALUE_ID] => 11193:443 [PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] => <h5>LIST OF PERFORMED ACTIVITIES</h5> <ul> <li> study, analysis and assessment of geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical and permafrost conditions in the territories; </li> <li> study of composition, structure and properties of soils and permafrost, geology, permafrost and anthropogenic processes; </li> <li> study of hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical groundwater regimes; </li> <li> prospecting and exploration, development and monitoring of the groundwater; </li> <li> hydrogeological studies of the subsurface deposits in terms of drainage, water removal from the mines, reservoir pressure maintaining, etc.; </li> <li> engineering-geological acquisition, geotechnical, engineering-environmental and engineering-hydrometeorological surveys, monitoring of geological hazards; </li> <li> conduct of surveys for design development of civil engineering structures, implementation of engineering and business activities; </li> <li> geo-environmental acquisition, environmental audit, geo-environmental monitoring; </li> <li>environmental assessment of anthropogenic activities in terms of impact on geological environment and underground water. </li> </ul> [TYPE] => HTML ) [~PROPERTY_TEXT_2_VALUE] => Array ( [TEXT] =>LIST OF PERFORMED ACTIVITIES
- study, analysis and assessment of geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical and permafrost conditions in the territories;
- study of composition, structure and properties of soils and permafrost, geology, permafrost and anthropogenic processes;
- study of hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical groundwater regimes;
- prospecting and exploration, development and monitoring of the groundwater;
- hydrogeological studies of the subsurface deposits in terms of drainage, water removal from the mines, reservoir pressure maintaining, etc.;
- engineering-geological acquisition, geotechnical, engineering-environmental and engineering-hydrometeorological surveys, monitoring of geological hazards;
- conduct of surveys for design development of civil engineering structures, implementation of engineering and business activities;
- geo-environmental acquisition, environmental audit, geo-environmental monitoring;
- environmental assessment of anthropogenic activities in terms of impact on geological environment and underground water.
The geological prospecting traverses envisage the performance of continuous geological and geomorphological observations to monitor in the field and record in topographic maps or airborne photographs of geological boundaries and other specific features of the geological structure of the surveyed area. The aerial acquisitions conducted during the traverses reveal the mineralization points, mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical anomalies, ore occurrences.
Sampling is an essential components of the prospecting traverse. All differences of hydrothermal and metasomatic rocks along with the weathering and oxidation products are to be subjected to sampling. The key sampling technique during the traverse is a pit sampling. The core outcrops of ore (and potentially ore) bodies are tested by trench and panel sampling.
The geophysical methods applicable in prospecting and exploration of solid commercial minerals include magnetic, gravimetric, electroprospecting, seismic, geophysical, well-logging surveys and a number of other types of operations.
Professional application of these methods provide the geologists with additional information that allows to get a better understanding of structure and composition of the ore body.
The most inexpensive geophysical methods in terms performance are gravimetric and magnetic surveys. They are used in the early stages of greenfield exploration to obtain the information on structural and tectonic structure of the territory and its characteristics to identify the most promising fragments of the surveyed area for production of heavier and more expensive terrestrial surveys. During prospecting and exploration of solid commercial minerals the gravimetric and magnetic surveys are performed in both aerial and terrestrial options.
RosGeo subsidiaries possess the state-of-art equipment of national and foreign production for production of all demanded types of geophysical surveys: magnetometers, gravimeters, electroprospecting and seismic meters, generators, logging station and downhole tools, etc.
Over the last 5 years there have been successfully completed the geophysical surveys by more than 60 pubic contracts for prospecting of solid commercial minerals at the sites located in all federal districts of the Russian Federation, in different landscape and climatic conditions, including those in conditions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation.
Geochemical surveys are carried out by systematic sampling following the regular system of profiles or individual geological traverses with continuous or spot sampling accompanied by laboratory analysis of the chemical composition. The exploration interest represent the geochemical halos with abnormal concentrations of chemical elements.
The surveys are performed with application of lithogeochemical, placer, biogeochemical, hydrogeochemical methods of prospecting.
Mining operations are widely applied by all companies of the Holding in prospecting and exploration of all types of solid commercial minerals. Currently, the open pit mining are used at all stages of the operations in prospecting and exploration of the minerals. These works are performed both manually and mechanically.
Drilling is a main method in exploration of ore bodies.
The most common type of exploration drilling for solid commercial minerals is the core drilling. It performed round the year and any climatic and landscape conditions with are unable to affect its quality.
Usually, the drilling operations for solid commercial minerals include the geophysical well logging applicable for survey of the rocks in the near wellbore and inter-well spaces, as well as in monitoring of the wells physical conditions.
- Drilling rig Boart Longyear LF-90
- Set of drilling tools provided with changeable core receivers CCK-96 (dimension-type HQ), KSSK-76 (dimension-type NQ)
- Logging station KAT-151
RosGeo and its subsidiaries carry out a full cycle of hydrogeological geotechnical and geo-environmental operation, including the research and methodological support.
The Holding subsidiaries possess all necessary permits and licenses. The laboratories of the companies have been accredited in the area of research studies of the natural underground and surface water, including those to be bottled, waste water, soils.
- study, analysis and assessment of geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical and permafrost conditions in the territories;
- study of composition, structure and properties of soils and permafrost, geology, permafrost and anthropogenic processes;
- study of hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical groundwater regimes;
- prospecting and exploration, development and monitoring of the groundwater;
- hydrogeological studies of the subsurface deposits in terms of drainage, water removal from the mines, reservoir pressure maintaining, etc.;
- engineering-geological acquisition, geotechnical, engineering-environmental and engineering-hydrometeorological surveys, monitoring of geological hazards;
- conduct of surveys for design development of civil engineering structures, implementation of engineering and business activities;
- geo-environmental acquisition, environmental audit, geo-environmental monitoring;
- environmental assessment of anthropogenic activities in terms of impact on geological environment and underground water.
Assessment of gold-bearing zones Main and South in Upper-Khakchan ore field Elaboration of feasibility studies for exploration conditions, estimation of the ore gold deposits by categories C1, C2, Assessment of forecast resources by category P1.
- RegionSusumansky district of Magadan region
- TypeAssessment of ore gold deposits
- Year2017

Elaboration of forecast-metallogenic map of the Republic of Sudan
The ultimate goal of the project is the development of a multi-layer package of electronic maps on geology and mineral resources of the Republic of Sudan on different scales (1: 2,500,000 - 1: 50,000)
- RegionRepublic of Sudan
- TypeElaboration of forecast-metallogenic map of the Republic of Sudan on the scale of 1 : 1000000
- Year2016

Development of solid commercial minerals resource base in Ahaggar and South-West of Algeria
Promising areas and sites were selected for target surveys and assessment of mineral mineral resources specified in the contract: gold, nickel, cobalt, platinum, chromium, rare metals, rare earth elements, diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones, copper, iron and manganese.
- RegionAlgeria
- TypeDesk-top activities
- Year2017-2019