Laboratory and analtical activities
- Scientific support
- IT-technologies and services
- Geological expertise
- Exploration equipment
Types of works by the areas of activities:
- Sedimetologic macroscopic studies of drilled sample materials with identification of ichnofacies, lithotypes and lithocacies.
- Lithological and petrographic studies of rocks in the rock sections with assessment of the porosity, fracture and secondary transformations.
- Grain size analysis
- Palynological analysis and sample preparation
- Microfaunal analysis and sample preparation
- Macrofaunal analysis
- Biofacial analysis
- Study of the rocks petrophysical and filtration-capacitive properties
- Geochemical and hydrogeological studies
- Paleontological analysis
- Sedimentology and formational analysis
- Moscow, Kaloshin pereulok, 10/1
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- JSC GeologorazvedkaJSC Geologorazvedka╳RegionNorthwestern federal districtContacts
- 192019, St. Petersburg, Fayansovaya st., 20/2/А
+7 (812) 412-98-83
- JSC Lower-Volga Scientific Research Institute of Geology and GeophysicsJSC Lower-Volga Scientific Research Institute of Geology and Geophysics╳RegionVolga federal districtContacts
- 410012, Saratov, Moskovskaya st., 48
+7 (8452) 26-24-64
- JSC Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw MaterialsJSC Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw Materials╳RegionSiberian federal districtContacts
- 630091, Novosibirsk, Krasnyy Prospekt, 67
(383) 230-94-00
Macroscopic detailed studies of the drilled samples with simultaneous elaboration of lithologic-sedimentologic column in a scale of 1:50 or 1: 100 displaying the material composition, basic textural features of the rocks, inclusions, mineral traces of biological activity (trace fossils), porosity and fracture features of the rocks, oil saturation character, lithotypes of the rocks, identified ichnofacies and lithofacies.
During microscopic studies of the rocks in petrographic rock sections the experts identify the real substantial composition of the fragmentary and cementing materials, degree of the fragments sorting, structural-textural features of the rocks, post-sedimentational changes, porosity and fracture parameters. The fracture parameters allow to perform the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the complex reservoirs.

The method of paleodynamic backstripping based on the results of statistical processing of the fractional grain size analysis allows to determine the dynamic activity in the medium of the sediment accumulation. The mapping of the values of the main granulometric coefficients and its dependence on paleorelief allow to establish the direction of demolition of the main streams and assume the locations of the zones for formation of primary reservoirs.
Palinological analysis is based on studies of microphytophossils, i.e. the microscopic residues of plant origin preserved in the mineralized state. The obvious advantage of this method is availability of microphytofossils in a wide range of rocks and ages. This is especially important in analysis of the drilled sample materials, which often does not contain the necessary amount of macrophosilium - orthstratigraphic groups - for detailed stratigraphic assessments, as well as in working with "silent" thicknesses.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the microphytofossils creates a solid foundation for biofacial analysis determination of the sediment accumulation environments, and, later, through involvement of micro-, macro- and trace fossils, also for analysis of the sedimentation features for paleogeographic backstripping.
Availability of in-house laboratory base in Geologorazvedka allows to conduct the fast sample preparations for microfaunal and palynological analysis in a variety of research purposes.

The basis of the microfaunistic analysis is the study of paleontological remains of microscopic animals preserved in the geological annals due to the availability of a solid external or internal skeleton.
The main groups of organisms used in microfaunal analysis are foraminiferas, ostracocodes, phylopodes, calpionelles and others, and for some of the section intervals they are the para-gratigraphic groups.
Different groups of microfauna have different ecological characteristics of propagation, which allows them to be successfully applied in the facile analysis, and in combination with macrofaunistic, palinological and ikhnological data in paleogeographic backstripping.
Availability of in-house laboratory base in Geologorazvedka allows to conduct the fast sample preparations for microfaunal and palynological analysis in a variety of research purposes.
Paleontological analysis of macrofauna has historically been the main tool in the dating and correlation of the deposits. The determination of macrofaunistic residues is the first priority in the execution of general geological and stratigraphic works, especially in poorly researched areas. This is associated with no necessity for special treatment of the stone material to separate the paleontological objects, which is typical for the micropaleontological research.
Different groups of macrofauna have characteristic ecological features of propagation, which allows to use them inbiofacial analysis. In combination with the data on microfauna и microphytophossils, as well as the analysis of biologic activity traces this information provides a reliable basis for paleogeographic backstripping.

Biofacial analysis (paleobiofacial in the context of geological studies) is an important component of the facial analysis used in paleogeographic backstrippings. The biofacial analysis is based on interpretation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fossil organic residues, as well as traces of the biological activity.
The revealed dependencies in distribution of the organisms in modern conditions, as well as the accumulated geological experience (Paleoecological, Tafonomic, Paleobiogeographic) allow to fairly reliably interpret the facial distribution of the deposits on the basis of the analysis of the orictocenoses contained thereto ("communities" of fossil organisms).
Paleobiofacial data analysispalinological is based on the identified biodiversity of microphytofossils and quantitative ratios between certain groups of spores, pollen and microphytoplankton.
Paleobiofacial data analysismicrofaunal is carried out on the basis of the detected zonality of the microfauna distribution in aqual systems of the past geological epochs. Thus, certain structures of foraminifera, ostracod, etc. are characteristic for certain biomonic zones of the sea.
The study is conducted on the basis of standard samples (30x30 mm) derived from exposures, borehole drilled samples, and, to some extent, middlings.
RosGeo laboratories perform a wide range of petrophysical studies of the drilled samples, including:
determination of open and absolute porosity;
determination of absolute and effective gas permeability in atmospheric and barometric conditions;
determination of the mineralogical and volumetric density;
determination of oil and water saturation in paraffine samples;
determination of specific electric resistance in atmospheric and barometric conditions taking into account the porosity parameter;
determination of the travel time of longitudinal and transverse ultrasound waves in atmospheric and barometric conditions;
capillary hydrometric studies for assessment of residual water saturation, saturation parameter along with elaboration of water saturation curves based on the data of capillary pressure and histograms of porosity distribution by size;
determination of the hydrophilic/hydrophobicity of the reservoir rock (wetting edge angles)
determination of the rock compressibility factor;
determination of the water flood displacement efficiency;
determination of relative phase permeability of the reservoir rock during combined oil-water filtration.
Set of research activities:
study of the rock organic substance;
general oil analysis;
analysis of natural waters with determination of oil products, iodine, bromine;
geochemical studies gases, rocks, oils, underground and surface water reservoirs;
support to operation of wells, integrated hydrogeological works on monitoring at groundwater reservoirs.

Studies of paleontological objects extracted from the rocks to determine the age of the sediments and litho-facies conditions of the sedimentation, as well as for paleogeographic backstripping in elaboration of the appropriate maps in different scales.
Set of research activities:
- lithological studies: macro- and microscopic studies of sedimentary rocks with the elaboration of lithotype atlases;
- sedimentological studies: identification and description of mechanisms of sedimentary material displacements in final accumulation reservoirs, characterization of the substance deposition barriers, determination of bathymetric sediments accumulation areas, studies of the roles of biota and climate in the sediments accumulation process with compilation of the sedimentation models;
- lithological-facial and paleogeographic studies;
- identification of dependencies in changes of the same age formational series at junctions of major tectonic elements
- identification of dependencies in formational changes within the Flank of the Caspian basin;
- identification of dependencies in development of formation bodies depending on the development stages of different-order structural elements;
- study of the formation attributes of the carbonate rocks in order to clarify the structure of the areas with development of rifogenic and domanicoid formations;
- identification of geodynamic events that determined the shape of the formational terrigenic rocks;
- detection of tectonic control over locations of the hydrocarbon deposits;
- study of the vertical sequence in the formation rows in the territories of development of large regional breaks in sedimentation that separate the structural layers;
- Identification of common dependences in sedimentation and lithogenesis:
- common evolutionary development of the region, including tectonic one;
- cyclicity of the sedimentation processes and selection of different rank cycles;
- dependencies in structural changes of vertical and lateral facial series;
- conditions for development of interruptions in sedimentation of different origin and rank, classification of delta environmental types, influence of eustatic sea level fluctuations, etc.