IT-technologies and services
- Scientific support
- IT-technologies and services
- Geological expertise
- Exploration equipment
RosGeo pursues the goals of continuous development, search for new solutions and application of modern IT technologies in all areas of the geologic survey.
Development of the GeoEcoSystem RosGeoLab is a strategic area in RosGeo activities, which will allow to improve the efficiency in achievement by the mining companies of the objectives thanks to application of the state-of-art information systems and services.
Key areas in development of RosGeoLab
- elaboration of BigData cloud, an comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data;
- development of a system for analysis and processing of geological information to improve the quality of forecasts and assessments;
- ensuring the remote control of the equipment performance in real time mode;
- application of sharing economy technology for significant reduction of investments in the equipment and personnel
- ensuring the transparency of operations and development of software and hardware environment.
RosGeoLab is developed, inter alia, under support of the Russian Federation through participation in the State program “Digital Economy”. The first step became the establishment on the basis of Far-East Federal University of "Digital Geology" laboratory, which would be one the largest projects to be based on the Digital Development Center on the Russky Island.
Implementation of this approach envisages the construction of the national cloud "large geological data» (BigData) - a comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data, as well as the active application of IT technologies and services in the field of geological exploration.

Implementation of this approach envisages the construction of the national cloud "large geological data» (BigData) - a comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data, as well as the active application of IT technologies and services in the field of geological exploration.

Technologies and services
Rosgeologiya offers to the mining companies the versatile and effective information exploration proprietary technology for resolution of the following tasks:
- forecasting and zoning of multi-alternative geological and geophysical objects;
- simulation of stages in exploration and development of oil and gas fields;
- determination of the economic efficiency of field operations in prospecting of hydrocarbons and solid commercial minerals.
Array ( [ID] => 1151 [~ID] => 1151 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 03/02/2021 04:34:52 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 03/02/2021 04:34:52 pm [MODIFIED_BY] => 13 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 13 [DATE_CREATE] => 08/28/2020 07:02:31 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 08/28/2020 07:02:31 pm [CREATED_BY] => 6 [~CREATED_BY] => 6 [IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1128 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1128 [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 20 [~SORT] => 20 [NAME] => IT-technologies and services [~NAME] => IT-technologies and services [PICTURE] => 6941 [~PICTURE] => 6941 [LEFT_MARGIN] => 30 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 30 [RIGHT_MARGIN] => 31 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 31 [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 2 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 2 [DESCRIPTION] => [~DESCRIPTION] => [DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => IT-TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => IT-TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES [CODE] => it-tekhnologii-i-servisy [~CODE] => it-tekhnologii-i-servisy [XML_ID] => [~XML_ID] => [TMP_ID] => [~TMP_ID] => [DETAIL_PICTURE] => 6942 [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => 6942 [SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/it-tekhnologii-i-servisy/ [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/it-tekhnologii-i-servisy/ [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [IBLOCK_CODE] => services [~IBLOCK_CODE] => services [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [EXTERNAL_ID] => [~EXTERNAL_ID] => [UF_GEO] => 0 [~UF_GEO] => 0 [UF_TYPE] => [~UF_TYPE] => [UF_ICO] => 6943 [~UF_ICO] => 6943 [UF_KEYS] => [~UF_KEYS] => [UF_KEY_TEXT] => [~UF_KEY_TEXT] => [UF_TEXT_1] => RosGeo pursues the goals of continuous development, search for new solutions and application of modern IT technologies in all areas of the geologic survey. <br> <br> <h6>GEOECOSYSTEM “ROSGEOLAB”</h6> Development of the GeoEcoSystem RosGeoLab is a strategic area in RosGeo activities, which will allow to improve the efficiency in achievement by the mining companies of the objectives thanks to application of the state-of-art information systems and services.<br> <br> <br> <img width="614" alt="6.jpg" src="/upload/medialibrary/2d2/6.jpg" height="335" title="Model for calculation of financial flows" align="middle"> <br> <br> <div class="v-drop-content v-drop-content_closed"> <div class="v-drop-content__wrap"> <div class="v-drop-content__title"> Key areas in development of RosGeoLab </div> <div class="v-drop-content__arrow"> </div> </div> <div class="v-drop-content__content"> <ul> <li>elaboration of BigData cloud, an comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data;</li> <li>development of a system for analysis and processing of geological information to improve the quality of forecasts and assessments;<br> </li> <li>ensuring the remote control of the equipment performance in real time mode;<br> </li> <li>application of sharing economy technology for significant reduction of investments in the equipment and personnel<br> </li> <li>ensuring the transparency of operations and development of software and hardware environment.<br> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <br> <br> [~UF_TEXT_1] => RosGeo pursues the goals of continuous development, search for new solutions and application of modern IT technologies in all areas of the geologic survey. <br> <br> <h6>GEOECOSYSTEM “ROSGEOLAB”</h6> Development of the GeoEcoSystem RosGeoLab is a strategic area in RosGeo activities, which will allow to improve the efficiency in achievement by the mining companies of the objectives thanks to application of the state-of-art information systems and services.<br> <br> <br> <img width="614" alt="6.jpg" src="/upload/medialibrary/2d2/6.jpg" height="335" title="Model for calculation of financial flows" align="middle"> <br> <br> <div class="v-drop-content v-drop-content_closed"> <div class="v-drop-content__wrap"> <div class="v-drop-content__title"> Key areas in development of RosGeoLab </div> <div class="v-drop-content__arrow"> </div> </div> <div class="v-drop-content__content"> <ul> <li>elaboration of BigData cloud, an comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data;</li> <li>development of a system for analysis and processing of geological information to improve the quality of forecasts and assessments;<br> </li> <li>ensuring the remote control of the equipment performance in real time mode;<br> </li> <li>application of sharing economy technology for significant reduction of investments in the equipment and personnel<br> </li> <li>ensuring the transparency of operations and development of software and hardware environment.<br> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <br> <br> [UF_TEXT_2] => RosGeoLab is developed, inter alia, under support of the Russian Federation through participation in the State program “Digital Economy”. The first step became the establishment on the basis of Far-East Federal University of "Digital Geology" laboratory, which would be one the largest projects to be based on the Digital Development Center on the Russky Island.<br> Implementation of this approach envisages the construction of the national cloud "large geological data» (BigData) - a comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data, as well as the active application of IT technologies and services in the field of geological exploration.<br> <br> <img width="614" alt="Key areas in development of RosGeoLab" src="/upload/medialibrary/1ae/5.jpg" height="335" title="Key areas in development of RosGeoLab" align="middle"><br> <br> <br> <div class="v-drop-content v-drop-content_closed"> <div class="v-drop-content__wrap"> <div class="v-drop-content__title"> Technologies and services </div> <div class="v-drop-content__arrow"> </div> </div> <div class="v-drop-content__content"> Rosgeologiya offers to the mining companies the versatile and effective information exploration proprietary technology for resolution of the following tasks:<br> <ul> <li>forecasting and zoning of multi-alternative geological and geophysical objects;</li> <li>simulation of stages in exploration and development of oil and gas fields;<br> </li> <li>determination of the economic efficiency of field operations in prospecting of hydrocarbons and solid commercial minerals.<br> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <br> <br> [~UF_TEXT_2] => RosGeoLab is developed, inter alia, under support of the Russian Federation through participation in the State program “Digital Economy”. The first step became the establishment on the basis of Far-East Federal University of "Digital Geology" laboratory, which would be one the largest projects to be based on the Digital Development Center on the Russky Island.<br> Implementation of this approach envisages the construction of the national cloud "large geological data» (BigData) - a comprehensive distributed platform for collection, storage and analysis of all types of geological data, as well as the active application of IT technologies and services in the field of geological exploration.<br> <br> <img width="614" alt="Key areas in development of RosGeoLab" src="/upload/medialibrary/1ae/5.jpg" height="335" title="Key areas in development of RosGeoLab" align="middle"><br> <br> <br> <div class="v-drop-content v-drop-content_closed"> <div class="v-drop-content__wrap"> <div class="v-drop-content__title"> Technologies and services </div> <div class="v-drop-content__arrow"> </div> </div> <div class="v-drop-content__content"> Rosgeologiya offers to the mining companies the versatile and effective information exploration proprietary technology for resolution of the following tasks:<br> <ul> <li>forecasting and zoning of multi-alternative geological and geophysical objects;</li> <li>simulation of stages in exploration and development of oil and gas fields;<br> </li> <li>determination of the economic efficiency of field operations in prospecting of hydrocarbons and solid commercial minerals.<br> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <br> <br> [UF_ANONS] => RosGeo pursues the goals of continuous development, search for new solutions and application of modern IT technologies in all areas of the geologic survey. [~UF_ANONS] => RosGeo pursues the goals of continuous development, search for new solutions and application of modern IT technologies in all areas of the geologic survey. [UF_MAIN_1] => [~UF_MAIN_1] => [UF_MAIN_2] => [~UF_MAIN_2] => [UF_MAIN_BG] => [~UF_MAIN_BG] => [UF_POPUP_LOGO] => [~UF_POPUP_LOGO] => [UF_POPUP_GR] => [~UF_POPUP_GR] => [UF_VIDEO] => [~UF_VIDEO] => [UF_TABS] => [~UF_TABS] => [UF_DOP_TITLE] => [~UF_DOP_TITLE] => [UF_TEXT_ENTERPRISES] => [~UF_TEXT_ENTERPRISES] => [UF_SERVICE_OTHER] => Array ( ) [~UF_SERVICE_OTHER] => Array ( ) [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [SECTION_META_TITLE] => IT-technologies in the field of geological exploration | Rosgeolab [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => The digital geoecosystem RosGeoLab provides services in solving problems of subsoil users using IT technologies. With us, geological exploration will become more accessible. ) [LINKS] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [ID] => 11273 [~ID] => 11273 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 05/03/2021 02:13:35 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 05/03/2021 02:13:35 pm [TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX] => 1620040415 [~TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX] => 1620040415 [MODIFIED_BY] => 15 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 15 [DATE_CREATE] => 08/28/2020 07:13:37 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 08/28/2020 07:13:37 pm [DATE_CREATE_UNIX] => 1598631217 [~DATE_CREATE_UNIX] => 1598631217 [CREATED_BY] => 6 [~CREATED_BY] => 6 [IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1151 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1151 [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [ACTIVE_FROM] => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => [ACTIVE_TO] => [~ACTIVE_TO] => [DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => [DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => [NAME] => MultiAlt, multi-alternative classification and forecasting technology [~NAME] => MultiAlt, multi-alternative classification and forecasting technology [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 6944 [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 6944 [PREVIEW_TEXT] => MultAlt technology is a proprietary development of RosGeo that addresses the resolution of production and research issues associated with forecasting and zoning of multiple-alternative geological and geophysical objects of different types and rank based on analogy method. [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => MultAlt technology is a proprietary development of RosGeo that addresses the resolution of production and research issues associated with forecasting and zoning of multiple-alternative geological and geophysical objects of different types and rank based on analogy method. [PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text [DETAIL_PICTURE] => 6945 [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => 6945 [DETAIL_TEXT] => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => [DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => MULTIALT, MULTI-ALTERNATIVE CLASSIFICATION AND FORECASTING TECHNOLOGY MULTALT TECHNOLOGY IS A PROPRIETARY DEVELOPMENT OF ROSGEO THAT ADDRESSES THE RESOLUTION OF PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH FORECASTING AND ZONING OF MULTIPLE-ALTERNATIVE GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL OBJECTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES AND RANK BASED ON ANALOGY METHOD. [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => MULTIALT, MULTI-ALTERNATIVE CLASSIFICATION AND FORECASTING TECHNOLOGY MULTALT TECHNOLOGY IS A PROPRIETARY DEVELOPMENT OF ROSGEO THAT ADDRESSES THE RESOLUTION OF PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH FORECASTING AND ZONING OF MULTIPLE-ALTERNATIVE GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL OBJECTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES AND RANK BASED ON ANALOGY METHOD. [WF_STATUS_ID] => 1 [~WF_STATUS_ID] => 1 [WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID] => [~WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID] => [WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID] => [~WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID] => [WF_NEW] => [~WF_NEW] => [LOCK_STATUS] => green [~LOCK_STATUS] => green [WF_LOCKED_BY] => [~WF_LOCKED_BY] => [WF_DATE_LOCK] => [~WF_DATE_LOCK] => [WF_COMMENTS] => [~WF_COMMENTS] => [IN_SECTIONS] => Y [~IN_SECTIONS] => Y [SHOW_COUNTER] => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => [SHOW_COUNTER_START] => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => [SHOW_COUNTER_START_X] => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START_X] => [CODE] => tekhnologiya-mnogoalternativnoy-klassifikatsii-i-prognoza-multalt [~CODE] => tekhnologiya-mnogoalternativnoy-klassifikatsii-i-prognoza-multalt [TAGS] => [~TAGS] => [XML_ID] => 11273 [~XML_ID] => 11273 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 11273 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 11273 [TMP_ID] => 0 [~TMP_ID] => 0 [USER_NAME] => [~USER_NAME] => [LOCKED_USER_NAME] => [~LOCKED_USER_NAME] => [CREATED_USER_NAME] => [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => [LANG_DIR] => /en/ [~LANG_DIR] => /en/ [LID] => s2 [~LID] => s2 [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [IBLOCK_CODE] => services [~IBLOCK_CODE] => services [IBLOCK_NAME] => Что мы делаем: Услуги [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Что мы делаем: Услуги [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/it-tekhnologii-i-servisy/tekhnologiya-mnogoalternativnoy-klassifikatsii-i-prognoza-multalt/ [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/it-tekhnologii-i-servisy/tekhnologiya-mnogoalternativnoy-klassifikatsii-i-prognoza-multalt/ [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => [~CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => [CREATED_DATE] => 2020.08.28 [~CREATED_DATE] => 2020.08.28 [BP_PUBLISHED] => Y [~BP_PUBLISHED] => Y [PICTURE] => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/740/575_375_1/Proektirovanie_razrabotki_mestorozhdeniy_uglevodorodnogo_syrya.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [SORT] => 500 [~SORT] => 500 [ID] => 11274 [~ID] => 11274 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 05/03/2021 02:13:38 pm [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 05/03/2021 02:13:38 pm [TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX] => 1620040418 [~TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX] => 1620040418 [MODIFIED_BY] => 15 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 15 [DATE_CREATE] => 08/28/2020 07:25:56 pm [~DATE_CREATE] => 08/28/2020 07:25:56 pm [DATE_CREATE_UNIX] => 1598631956 [~DATE_CREATE_UNIX] => 1598631956 [CREATED_BY] => 6 [~CREATED_BY] => 6 [IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 103 [IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1151 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 1151 [ACTIVE] => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y [ACTIVE_FROM] => [~ACTIVE_FROM] => [ACTIVE_TO] => [~ACTIVE_TO] => [DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => [~DATE_ACTIVE_FROM] => [DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => [~DATE_ACTIVE_TO] => [NAME] => Software package GEOPROFI [~NAME] => Software package GEOPROFI [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 6946 [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 6946 [PREVIEW_TEXT] => The software package GeoProfi is a proprietary development of SNIIGGiMS. GeoProfi has been successfully tested in real projects of hydrocarbon prospecting and production in Western and Eastern Siberia. [~PREVIEW_TEXT] => The software package GeoProfi is a proprietary development of SNIIGGiMS. GeoProfi has been successfully tested in real projects of hydrocarbon prospecting and production in Western and Eastern Siberia. [PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text [DETAIL_PICTURE] => 6947 [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => 6947 [DETAIL_TEXT] => [~DETAIL_TEXT] => [DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => text [SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => SOFTWARE PACKAGE GEOPROFI THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE GEOPROFI IS A PROPRIETARY DEVELOPMENT OF SNIIGGIMS. GEOPROFI HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TESTED IN REAL PROJECTS OF HYDROCARBON PROSPECTING AND PRODUCTION IN WESTERN AND EASTERN SIBERIA. [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => SOFTWARE PACKAGE GEOPROFI THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE GEOPROFI IS A PROPRIETARY DEVELOPMENT OF SNIIGGIMS. GEOPROFI HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TESTED IN REAL PROJECTS OF HYDROCARBON PROSPECTING AND PRODUCTION IN WESTERN AND EASTERN SIBERIA. [WF_STATUS_ID] => 1 [~WF_STATUS_ID] => 1 [WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID] => [~WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID] => [WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID] => [~WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID] => [WF_NEW] => [~WF_NEW] => [LOCK_STATUS] => green [~LOCK_STATUS] => green [WF_LOCKED_BY] => [~WF_LOCKED_BY] => [WF_DATE_LOCK] => [~WF_DATE_LOCK] => [WF_COMMENTS] => [~WF_COMMENTS] => [IN_SECTIONS] => Y [~IN_SECTIONS] => Y [SHOW_COUNTER] => [~SHOW_COUNTER] => [SHOW_COUNTER_START] => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START] => [SHOW_COUNTER_START_X] => [~SHOW_COUNTER_START_X] => [CODE] => programmnyy-kompleks-geoprofi [~CODE] => programmnyy-kompleks-geoprofi [TAGS] => [~TAGS] => [XML_ID] => 11274 [~XML_ID] => 11274 [EXTERNAL_ID] => 11274 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 11274 [TMP_ID] => 0 [~TMP_ID] => 0 [USER_NAME] => [~USER_NAME] => [LOCKED_USER_NAME] => [~LOCKED_USER_NAME] => [CREATED_USER_NAME] => [~CREATED_USER_NAME] => [LANG_DIR] => /en/ [~LANG_DIR] => /en/ [LID] => s2 [~LID] => s2 [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => en [IBLOCK_CODE] => services [~IBLOCK_CODE] => services [IBLOCK_NAME] => Что мы делаем: Услуги [~IBLOCK_NAME] => Что мы делаем: Услуги [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => [DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/it-tekhnologii-i-servisy/programmnyy-kompleks-geoprofi/ [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/it-tekhnologii-i-servisy/programmnyy-kompleks-geoprofi/ [LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /en/services/ [CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => [~CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => [CREATED_DATE] => 2020.08.28 [~CREATED_DATE] => 2020.08.28 [BP_PUBLISHED] => Y [~BP_PUBLISHED] => Y [PICTURE] => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/b83/575_375_1/laboratoriya_21_of_41_.jpg ) ) [ENTERPRISES_IDs] => Array ( [0] => 11273 [1] => 11274 ) [ENTERPRISES] => Array ( ) [BG] => /upload/images/bg.jpg [FORM_QUESTIONS] => Array ( ) [FORM_SERVICES] => Array ( ) [VIDEO] => UCm5uIf-5o4 [VIDEO_IMG] => // [DOP] => Array ( ) )