Sergey Gorkov held a working meeting with a new Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Moscow
Today, Sergey Gorkov, Director General — Chairman of the Board of RosGeo, held a working meeting with Mohammad Al Jaber, a new Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Moscow.

Moscow, September 14, 2020 - Today, Sergey Gorkov, Director General — Chairman of the Board of RosGeo, held a working meeting with Mohammad Al Jaber, a new Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Moscow.
The meeting was primarily focused on the work of Russian-Emirati Business Council, which chairman was elected in December 2019. The parties discussed plans of the Business Council for the current year, its structure, as well as prospects for expanding the cooperation between the business communities of two countries.
In addition, Sergey Gorkov and Mohammad Al Jaber discussed the prospects of cooperation in geological prospecting. In particular, the CEO of RosGeo emphasized the high competences of the Holding in the area of operations in the transit zone, and on the shelf, as well as in the field of solid minerals and hydrogeology.
The parties expressed the interest in further development of cooperation in these areas and agreed to maintain regular working contacts.
For information:
Elnusa TBK is a subsidiary of Indonesian public oil and gas company Pertamina. It was established in 1969 to service the communication and navigation equipment at Pertamina ships. Currently, it specializes in geophysical surveying, including onshore, offshore and transition areas seismic exploration; provides services for drilling oil and gas wells, including those for offshore; and offers a wide range of oilfield services for the oil and gas deposits operations.
«RosGeo» is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1,000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.- To get a consultationСпасибо за обращение, мы свяжемся с Вами в ближайшее время
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