RosGeo is ready to help Mongolia in studying the oil and gas potential of the underground deposits in the east of the country
In the framework of the official visit program of the President of Mongolia to the Russian Federation, a meeting was held between Sergei Gorkov, Director General of RosGeo, and Gelengiin Yeongdong, Minister of Heavy and Mining Industry of Mongolia.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current status and prospects for development of cooperation between RosGeo and the Erdenet Mining Corporation, as well as prospects for cooperation with the state-owned Mongol Refinery in the field of geological exploration for oil and gas.
“We are glad that the competencies of RosGeo are in demand in Mongolia, and our cooperation in surveying the mineral and raw material potential of the country is receiving a new impetus for development,” said Sergei Gorkov, Director General of RosGeo. “Despite the difficulties associated with the pandemic, our specialists are successfully performing the work under the contract with the Erdenet, and this time we have discussed the prospects for a joint survey of Mongolian oil and gas potential.”
During the discussion, the parties expressed interest in conducting joint scientific and geological studies and assessment of the existing geological and geophysical data base for the licensed area in the eastern part of the country, provided to the Mongol Refinery for surveys by the Government of Mongolia.
Following the meeting, in the presence of RosGeo Director General of and Minister of Heavy and Mining Industry of Mongolia, an agreement of intent was signed between Zarubezhgeologia (the operator of Rosgeo overseas projects) and Mongol Refinery.
In December 2019, RosGeo signed a three-year contract for geological-geophysical and geological-engineering surveys to develop the mineral resources base of the Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) in Mongolia.
According to the contract, the specialists of RosGeo perform analysis of geological and geophysical data with refinement of geological and structural 3D model and metallogenic forecast, conduct geophysical studies in prospecting for deep-seated ore deposits, as well as engineering and geological surveys and assessment of the technogenic formations of the mining and metallurgical production of the Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) for the content of useful components.
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