Rosgeo completed the field seismic surveys in licensed areas of Chcechenneftekhimprom
Grozny, Russia, July 8, 2020 - Stavropolneftegeofizika (SNGF, a subsidiary of RosGeo) has successfully completed field seismic surveys under the contract with Chechenneftekhimprom at six license sites: Zandak, Rodnikovo-North-Khankal, Syuil-Kort, Alpatovo-Ischyora, South-Suvorovo and North Eldar. According to the technical specifications the 2D seismic surveys were performed by common midpoint seismic reflection method (CDP SRM) in the scope of 329 linear km.
- Seismic survey
Grozny, Russia, July 8, 2020 - Stavropolneftegeofizika (SNGF, a subsidiary of RosGeo) has successfully completed field seismic surveys under the contract with Chechenneftekhimprom at six license sites: Zandak, Rodnikovo-North-Khankal, Syuil-Kort, Alpatovo-Ischyora, South-Suvorovo and North Eldar. According to the technical specifications the 2D seismic surveys were performed by common midpoint seismic reflection method (CDP SRM) in the scope of 329 linear km.
Over 130 years history of commercial oil production in the area of Grozny the most productive deposits of high-quality oil was discovered in the relatively shallow sediments of Karagan-Chokrak and Upper Cretaceous. The objective to be achieved by Stavropol geophysicists in the field season 2019/2020 was to survey the oil and gas deposits and assess the resources by categories Dл and D0in Karagan Chokrak and Upper Cretaceous sediments in the areas between the developed fields.
Initially, in October-November 2019, the surveys were carrierd out at Zandak site in the Easter part of the Chechen Republic near the border of Dagestan. The seismic crew performed over 33 linear km of profiles in heavily crossed, forest and mountainous terrain. In December 2019 - January 2020 the experts of SNGF conducted a seismic survey in Rodnikovo-North-Khankal and Syuil-Kort areas, where the network of profiles with total length of 117 linear km was developed to get the maximum result in view of intensive residential development to the south of Gudermes and in the urban outskirts of Grozny.
At the final stage in the spring and summer of 2020 during survey in North-Eldar, Alpatovo-Ischyora and South Suvorovo areas the geophysicists had to work within the constraints posed by the coronavirus epidemic. Thanks to support of Chechenneftekhimprom the arising issues were settled in a prompt manner, which allows to prevent a violation of the contract performance schedule.
Currently the processing of the collected seismic data is in progress along with detailed study of geological structure of promising structures, identification of potentially productive horizons, as well as oil and gas traps.
According to Natalya Dagaeva, the Chief Geologist of Stavropolneftegeofizika, the preliminary results of the data processing and interpretation for four eastern sites, where the integrated geological model is elaborated, inspire the optimism. On the basis of the studies the geophysicists will provide a forecast for the hydrocarbon deposits in potentially productive structures, assess the promising resources of D0 categories, substantiate the selection of sites for installation of prospecting wells.
JSC Stavropolneftegeofizika is the only company in the south of Russia, performing seismic surveys using explosives and vibration sources. The company is provided with qualified personnel, all necessary hardware and software, and methodological tools for performance of a complete cycle of seismic operations in different climate, landscape and geological conditions, including 2D and 3D seismic data, high-resolution seismic surveys (HRS), as well as geophysical and production works, including geological and engineering surveys.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1,000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.
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