RosGeo has signed 5 new contraracts for offshore operations
Murmansk, Russia, August 23, 2019 - Arctic Marine Engineering and Geological Expeditions (AMIGE, a subsidiary of RosGeo) in the I-st six months of 2019 has entered into 5 new contracts for engineering and geological surveys in the Baltic, Barents and Kara Seas. The works will be performed by the expedition ships "Bavenite", "Kimberlite" and "Kern". The research vessel (RV) "Kimberlite” specialized in drilling of geotechnical boreholes and performance of geotechnical works is currently carrying out the works in the Baltic Sea.
- Offshore geologic surveys
- Drilling
Murmansk, Russia, August 23, 2019 - Arctic Marine Engineering and Geological Expeditions (AMIGE, a subsidiary of RosGeo) in the I-st six months of 2019 has entered into 5 new contracts for engineering and geological surveys in the Baltic, Barents and Kara Seas. The works will be performed by the expedition ships "Bavenite", "Kimberlite" and "Kern".
The research vessel (RV) "Kimberlite” specialized in drilling of geotechnical boreholes and performance of geotechnical works is currently carrying out the works in the Baltic Sea.
The research vessel "Kern" has started the implementation of the project in the Arctic - in the Barents and Kara Seas. The research vessel “Kern” is a multi-functional ship intended for performance of a set of activities, equipped with a full set of equipment for performance of seismic-acoustic profiling, lateral hydraulic scanning, multi-beam echo sounding, magnetometry, soil sampling and hydrometeorological research.
RV "Bavenite" is traveling for mobilization and preparation for the operations in the Kara Sea. The vessel is equipped for drilling and geotechnical surveys in geotechnical wells to the depth of 500 m at a water depth of 1000 m, and it is also capable to perform the sampling of the bottom sediments at the sea depth of up to 1500 m.
Arctic Marine Engineering and Geological Expeditions is a company intended for integrated surveys in the Arctic shelf, adjacent lands and islands, as well as other seas of Russia and foreign countries. AMIGE fleet includes the modern specialized vessels for geotechnical drilling, geotechnical and geophysical surveys, as well as boats for engineering surveys in the shallow water zone.
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