RosGeo has started the drilling of parametric well Chambenskaya 1
RPC Nedra (Yaroslavl, a subsidiary of the state-owned holding RosGeo) started the drilling of the parametric well Chambenskaya 1. The facility is located within the Leno-Tunguska oil and gas province, on the Chambena lift of the southern side of the Kurey sineclyse.
- Hydrocarbons
- Drilling
RPC Nedra (Yaroslavl, a subsidiary of the state-owned holding RosGeo) started the drilling of the parametric well Chambenskaya 1. The facility is located within the Leno-Tunguska oil and gas province, on the Chambena lift of the southern side of the Kurey sineclyse.
The design depth of the first phase is 3800 m, the design horizon is the Bulay suite of the Lower Cambrian. The total planned design depth is 5500 m, the well will have to completely open the Vend-Cambrian part of the section and enter the Riphean deposits to 50 m.
According to its climatic, economic, production and living conditions the survey area belongs to the highest category of complexity, the study of the territory by deep drilling is extremely low.
The work is carried out to study the geological structure of the southern side of the Kurey sineclyse for assessment of the prospects of oil and gas potential in the section of the Venda-Cambrian sediments and the layers of the Upper Riphean as a basis for planning of further geologic exploration.
In the course of the studies the company will perform the integrated lithological-stratigraphic, geophysical, petrophysical, geochemical characteristics of the section of Ordovik-Cambrian deposits to a depth of 3800 m.
In addition, the experts will examine the reservoir properties of the rocks, intervals of potential natural reservoirs and geochemical criteria of petroleum deposit potential.
Based on the results of drilling, testing and surveys of the parametric well the company will receive an array of geological information, systematized core and slurry, compile the reference collection of the samples.
To implement parametric well drilling project Chambenskaya 1 the company purchased new a machine Uralmash 5000/320, two automobile cranes: carrying capacity 25 and 50 tons, bulldozer, a shift bus and other equipment.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations.
RosGeo was established following the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2011, No. 957 on the basis of Tsentrgeologiya, an oldest Russian geological enterprise. Rosgeo is a fully state-owned company.
The enterprises within the Holding company operate in all eight Federal Districts of Russia. A total of more than 1000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields.
RPC Nedra is engaged in the design, construction and complex integrated of parametric and survey and exploration wells; development of scientific and technical products in the field of well construction technologies and integrated study of the Earth's subsurface. The company has over 50 years of experience in drilling and exploration of deep and ultradeep parametric wells in sedimentary and crystal rocks. The company accounts for more than one hundred kilometers of ultra-deep wells in Russia, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine; for a long time it was the world record for drilling depth - Kola (12 262 m); the deepest well in sedimentary basins of Russia - En-Yakhinskaya (8 250 m).
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