Rosgeo assisted to determine the new coordinates of the South magnetic pole by instrumentation method
St. Petersburg, June 8, 2020. - The round-the-world expedition of the Navy oceanographic research vessel "Admiral Vladimirskiy", dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of Antarctica discovery by Russian explorers Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellingshausen was completed today in Kronstadt . During the expedition, which was started on December 3, 2019, the experts and equipment of Yuzhmorgeologiya (a subsidiary of RosGeo) helped the scientists in achievement of an important scientific and practical objective - determining the coordinates of the South Magnetic Pole.
- Hydrogeology
St. Petersburg, June 8, 2020. - The round-the-world expedition of the Navy oceanographic research vessel "Admiral Vladimirskiy", dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of Antarctica discovery by Russian explorers Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellingshausen was completed today in Kronstadt . During the expedition, which was started on December 3, 2019, the experts and equipment of Yuzhmorgeologiya (a subsidiary of RosGeo) helped the scientists in achievement of an important scientific and practical objective - determining the coordinates of the South Magnetic Pole.
For six months, during the Trans-Atlantic travel, in the Southern and Indian Oceans, the crew of the research vessel "Admiral Vladimirsky" conducted hydrographic and hydrometeorological-logical surveys, as well as unique studies of geophysical fields of the Earth using the modern equipment - fluxgate and proton marine magnetometers and a set of radio-tomographic measurements of ionospheric parameters.
In terms of significance the key scientific objective of the expedition task was the instrumental determination of coordinates of the South Magnetic Pole in the D'Urville Sea by the coast of Antarctica and its differences as compared to the position of the Magnetic Pole identified by international models of the Earth's magnetic field - IGRF (International geomagnetic reference field) and WMM (World Magnetic Model) .
To achieve this objective a combined geophysical group team worked within the crew of the “Admiral Vladimiresky”, the team included the experts from the Institute of Applied Geophysics named after Academician E. K. Fedorov Rosgidromet, Physical Faculty of Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation n.a. N.V.Pushkov (IZMIRAN) and Yuzhmorgeologiya. The work was carried out under support of the Russian Geographical Society, Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Hydrographic Service of the Navy.
To achieve the expedition objectives Yuzhmorgeologiya provided a set of marine proton magnetometers an an experienced operator, who supported the work performance. The availability of the company extensive experience and understanding of the specifics in performance of the magnetometer measurements in the near-polar regions has become an important factor in successful completion of the work for clarification of the positioning of the South Magnetic Pole of the Earth.
The collected data of geophysical measurements will undergo the desktop processing and comparative analysis in the Institute of Applied Geophysics of Roshydromet, where the final clarification of the position of the South Magnetic Pole of the Earth will be performed, along with computation of the characteristics of individual sections of the magnetic field of the World ocean and auroral ionospheric parameters. The results of the expedition will be published and presented in a report at a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society, and will later be used in the interests of Roshydromet, RAS, RosGeo and other organizations.
Conducting by the Russian vessel of instrumental measurements of the position of the South Magnetic Pole in 20 years after the expedition of the Australian Geological Service is a significant contribution of the national science (supported by the Navy of Russia and the Russian Geographical Society) in the world collection of achievements that reflect the underlying geophysical processes occurring on the planet.
The North and South Magnetic Poles do not coincide with the geographic poles and are in constant "drift" under the influence of molten metal flow in the Earth's outer core. In 2002, the South Magnetic Pole (SMP) was about 2817 km from the South Pole. The pending character of the expedition is substantiated by relocation of the South Magnetic Pole with annual variation up to 50 km: in the 1960s it moved from continental Antarctica to the sea, and last year it moved more than 750 km. Last time the Australian geological service determined the SMP coordinates in 2000, and a homeland expedition directly determined the SMP position in 1983.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.
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