The employees of RosGeo Moscow office met the Eve of the new 2020 in a real winter fairy tale with their families and friends! All day long amusement rides, game pavilions, and theme parks were open for them along with arranged fascinating contests and quests.
Every year, we hold charity events for Klimovsk retirement home patronized by our company. The entire company collects the funds for purchase of medicines, care products, specialized equipment. Several times a year, the volunteers from RosGeo visit our paternalized, arrange litter picks and just give their communication and attention so precious for the elderly people.
Victory Day is always a special holiday for all of us. And in 2020, it acquired special significance - the whole country celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, and under conditions of the strictest quarantine. To honor the memory of those great events, the first teleconference in the history of the company was organized in Rosgeologia, in which all divisions of our huge Holding took part. Online colleagues from all over the country, their children, war veterans read poems, sang songs of the war years and said words of gratitude to all those who defended our Motherland in that terrible war! In addition, in memory of our veterans, an action "Memory Book" was held, during which, through the efforts of our employees, invaluable stories of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were collected, the memories of those who went through the terrible trials of the war years.
On the New Year eve, the employees of RosGeo become good magicians. We install a Christmas tree in the central office of the Holding, where we hang the notes with wishes of our patronized. So, to make a miracle is just a short hop! But our volunteers bring not only gifts, but also good mood, they arrange holiday concerts, tea parties.
Every year on July 15, we celebrate RosGeo Day. The starting point was 2011, when the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree № 957 "On Joint Stock Company Rosgeologiya", which approved the procedure for establishment, structure of the new Holding, and identified the priority areas for its activities. In 2020 RosGeo turned 9 years old, and we celebrated this date in the format of a grandiose geological on-line forum with participation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources.

In 2020, a new charity event “Donate a Book” started in RosGeo. The objective is to render assistance to the retirement homes in collection of the library funds. Thanks to this the elderly people will be able to read the books of their favorite authors, learn poetry, discuss the books they read.
It is very pleasant that the event is participated not only by the employees of RosGeo. It was supported by the companies Megafon, AGD Diamonds, Russian Export Center, Publishing House Eksmo, Center Polygraph, Charity fund "Pure Souls", famous writers - Darya Dontsova, Victor Pelevin, Masha Traub, students of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and many other emphatic people.

In the framework of the project "Generational Bridge" RosGeo implements an integrated social program to unite the professionals of the geological sector, transfer the knowledge and experience, support the industry veterans. The project involves young company professionals under the age of 35, as well as current and former employees of the company, who elder than 55. The program envisages regular arrangement of meetings with the industry veterans, honored employees, conduct of festive events, concerts in the subsidiaries of RosGeo.
Charitable aid to lonely elderly and disabled people became a tradition for employees of RosGeo. Since 2019 we have been supporting the Foundation "The Joy of Old Age" and donating our attention, care to those who need it so much.