Who we are
RosGeo is the largest geological holding in the Russian Federation with a developed production and technical capabilities, high professional competences and a unique scope of accumulated geological information.
The company performs all types of geological prospecting and exploration activities from regional surveys for all types of mineral resources to estimation of the reserves and commissioning of the fields into operation, it possesses the unique competence in the area of offshore geological and on-shelf operations.
The Holding incorporates a unique in terms of the competence and scope of accumulated geological information Research and production cluster and advanced Consulting center, for geological support to projects of any complexity.
The Holding is the key contractor in performance of the activities within the framework of the state order for reproduction of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.
In December 2019 the Board of Directors adopted as a basis the updated Development strategy and Long-term Development program of RosGeo for the period up to 2025. These documents specify the strategic priorities, where the Holding will concentrate its competencies, resources and activities.

Management of RosGeo enables the efficient performance of the Holding, addressing the most important challenges in efficiency improvement of the mineral resource base reproduction, development of the company commercial activities, establishment of new mechanisms for funding of the geological prospecting and exploration, implementation of the partnership programs and integrated approach to rendering the services in all areas of the geological exploration, its digitalization and expanding the scope and geography of the Holding activities in the international market.

RosGeo is the largest geological exploration company in Russia in terms of geography. The Holding incorporates over 40 geological enterprises that operate in more than 40 regions of Russia and abroad.
In total more than 1000 deposit fields have been discovered by the holding subsidiaries, including the major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposit fields, including: Astrakhan (2,5 trillion м³ of gas), Tengiz (3,1 billion tons of oil), Kovykta (1,9 trillion м³ of gas), Sukhoi Log (2 thousand tons of gold), Kursk magnetic anomaly and many others.

The geological exploration industry is a strategically important sector of the Russian economy, one of the most important components of the country well-being and development. That is why the history of the geological exploration from ancient times, when the first steps were made in mineralogy and discovered the first mineral deposits to the breakthrough discoveries of the twentieth century, reflects the main stages of development of our state and makes the basis for the future achievements.

RosGeo develops the system of corporate governance based on requirements of Russian laws and regulations, recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code, and in accordance with international standards of corporate conduct, business ethics, principles of openness and transparency.

We have discovered thousands of hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits in Russia and abroad for over 100 years of operation.
We have accumulated a huge array of precious geologic data on mineral-resource base in many countries, trained thousands of local specialists, who laid the foundation for geologic industries in your countries.